So you may have heard me talk about Egypt a lot the past few months, but did you know that before my Egypt adventure, I did a little stopover in Dubai? (Less than 48 hours, to be exact). Dubai is a thriving metropolis of a city in the United Arab Emirates. It’s known for it’s…
Quarter-Life Crisis: Tips from a Newly 25-Year-Old Travel Blogger
August 2019: That time I turned 25 years old. I am officially closer to 30 than I am to 20! Say whaaaat. Despite the shock horror 😉, I thought it was an appropriate time to reflect on some fun key lessons from my 25 years on planet Earth. It’s been a pretty wile ride so…
Where to Next? Top 6 Tours On The To-Do List
The question that is asked most often when you come back from travelling – and the question that is most often on my mind as of late 😉 “Where to next?!” … glad you asked! You see, it’s been nearly 3 months since I got back from my Egypt trip. Crazy. So it’s time to…
Feeling Anxious? 5 Tips for a Solo Female Traveller
While this advice is not exclusively just for the ladies (guys can get a bit anxious when travelling solo to new places/countries too, of course! 😉 ), some places can – unfortunately – be a weeee bit more riskier and/or less accommodating for the female species. And in the wake of my recent trip to…