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Here is Your Permission Slip

Here is your permission slip to travel. To book the trip you’ve been eyeing up for a long time. To see those places that you’ve always wanted to see. The trip you’ve been squirreling away part of your pay cheque for each month, for the past who-knows-how-long. Here is your permission slip to stop listening…

5 Reasons To Solo Travel

I LOVE travelling by myself. The freedom, the discomfort (at times) and new people you meet are some of the many reasons why solo travel is so freaking rad. Don’t get me wrong – I have also enjoyed travelling with friends and family too (and I’m sure I will in future). But what I find…

The Millennial Curse

We’ve all heard the stereotypes that surround being a millennial / Generation Y. “Lazy”, “Self-absorbed”, “Entitled”, “Buys too many avocados”. And yes, while having the wonders of Instagram means that we can post selfies for the world to admire at any time of day (I can see where some older people get the idea that…