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My Egypt and The Nile Contiki

“Egypt? That’s a bit of a random/strange/out-there/dangerous place to be going!” – said numerous people before (and after) my trip. You see, when I was 11 years old my parents took me and my brother on a family holiday to the USA. One of the cities we visited was Las Vegas, and along the strip…

Travel Lover Meets Theatre Geek

Little do some people know that one of my favourite things to do while travelling is to…. go watch some good ol’ theatre! I am, unashamedly, a huge theatre and musical geek #noregrets Consequently, I have (again, unashamedly) travelled overseas literally just to go see some musicals. That’s dedication right there 😉 This love did…

5 Reasons To Solo Travel

I LOVE travelling by myself. The freedom, the discomfort (at times) and new people you meet are some of the many reasons why solo travel is so freaking rad. Don’t get me wrong – I have also enjoyed travelling with friends and family too (and I’m sure I will in future). But what I find…