Oh boy. Just when you thought I had got back into blogging… another 18 months goes by of pure *tumbleweed*! Where do I start?? The past year or so has been another whirlwind to say the least. Fortunately, I am happy and grateful to say that it has mostly been a good time. Full of…
Look Who’s Back, Back Again…
Well hello there. It’s been a hot minute. 😅 I’d ask you how you’ve all been going over the past 18 months, but I guess we’ve all been through the wringer in one way or another, right?? Recently I was looking through my photo albums and box of travel items that I’ve collected over my…
Can’t Travel? 10 Things to Do During Self-Isolation
Like myself, you may be one of millions of people right now who are completely grounded due to COVID-19.  My next overseas trip (5 weeks travelling around the USA) was due to start in April 2020 – which has of course, has been cancelled. 😢 (In fact, I cancelled it myself a month ago…
Quarter-Life Crisis: Tips from a Newly 25-Year-Old Travel Blogger
August 2019: That time I turned 25 years old. I am officially closer to 30 than I am to 20! Say whaaaat. Despite the shock horror 😉, I thought it was an appropriate time to reflect on some fun key lessons from my 25 years on planet Earth. It’s been a pretty wile ride so…
The Time In-Between Travel – What To Do?
You all know the feeling. That lull when you’re at home, going to work, carrying about your usual everyday life, thinking about when you’re next going to go traveling. You may or may not have your next trip booked already. You may be in the midst of planning one; scouring flight websites each week to…
Here is Your Permission Slip
Here is your permission slip to travel. To book the trip you’ve been eyeing up for a long time. To see those places that you’ve always wanted to see. The trip you’ve been squirreling away part of your pay cheque for each month, for the past who-knows-how-long. Here is your permission slip to stop listening…
8 Great Reads For A Free Range Life
Books are NOT dead, people! In fact, they’re very much alive and well in the lives of happy, healthy and successful people. (I should add that Podcasts can work the same way, too if you’re more of an audio person!). So I’ve decided to let you in on some of my favourite books to do…
It’s An Inside Job: Journey to Freedom, Empowerment & Owning that S**t
Hello, My name is Chelsea and I am Human AF. Good, now that we’ve got that over with, it’s time for me to be super real and open with you all. Travel is awesome, and my travel blog may make my life look perfect to some and unattainable to others “oh she’s so lucky that…
5 Things to Do in Auckland (Over Summer)
Aucklanders do like to complain about Auckland (I suppose lots of people like to complain about whatever city they’re from…). But aside from the bad traffic, unreliable public transport, skyrocketing petrol prices and even larger house prices…. I reckon Auckland is a pretty good place to be! In my humble (biased 😉 ) opinion, it…
Digital Nomad: How Do I Fund My Travels?
In case I haven’t said this already (😉) Travel is fan-feaking-tastic. But it also costs money… #realitycheck. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But I believe that travel is one of the best possible things you can ever spend money on. Forget about designer clothes, the latest iPhone, or 6 bedroom mansions –…