About Me

Hey! I’m Chelsea, a 29-year-old blogger, travel enthusiast, digital marketer from Auckland, New Zealand.

This blog was born out of my love for travel (and in particular, solo travel as a young adult), living consciously and the belief that there must be something MORE to life than just working ’til ya “kick the bucket”.

When I’m not blogging, I enjoy theatre/acting and voice acting, work full-time in digital marketing, and freelance as a voice over artist & social media manager for my own business.

Obviously old mate Covid put a spanner in the works over the past 3ish years – but I’m back baby!

The thing is, I feel the most happy, free and alive when on an epic adventure. If we’re not feeling these 3 things, are we missing the point??

So through my blog, I want to:

  • Empower millennials to travel this freakin’ rad planet that we inhabit
  • Encourage ya’ll to pursue the badass life you desire. If that means a lifestyle balancing the odd overseas trip with your dream career – then that’s awesome. Your life, your terms.
  • Equip ya’ll with some no bull-sh*t tips for conscious living while we trot the globe. Cause while we we’re on our individual journeys we might as well leave the world a better place than when we found it, right? That’s the goal, anyway!

You won’t find super sexy photos of me on Insta in a bikini drinking coconut cocktails by the pool in some 5-star Bali resort. But you will find me – being the down-to-earth Kiwi chick that I am – trying not to fall off bikes in Munich (scratch that – trying to pick myself up after falling off) and over dosing on way too much gelato in Venice.

Here’s to navigating the big wide adult world. See you on the road! X

p.s. If you wanna get in touch flick me an email at: freerangekiwichick@gmail.com

JUST SO YA KNOW: You may see ads or embedded links to certain products or services that I recommend on my blog (for example, Contiki). If readers click on these and purchase, I may get paid a small commission! I promise to only recommend products/services that I’ve tried myself and absolutely LOVE.