Look Who’s Back, Back Again…

Well hello there. It’s been a hot minute. 😅

I’d ask you how you’ve all been going over the past 18 months, but I guess we’ve all been through the wringer in one way or another, right??

Recently I was looking through my photo albums and box of travel items that I’ve collected over my various trips. Welp 🙁 Mixed emotions of joy from the memories, gratitude that I got to have those experiences when I did, but also sadness at how we haven’t been able to travel for the past 2 years**

Waaaah, take me back to exploring far away places!
(Egypt, 2019)

**Here in New Zealand we have the infamous MIQ system, which means that while we could go travelling overseas, in order to get back into the country everyone has to go into a “lottery” to get a spot in MIQ. Which, if you’re lucky enough to secure, is 10 days of isolation in a hotel room. That you have to pay for. (A lovely $3000+). Yikes.

Therefore you can understand why the majority of Kiwis haven’t ventured out for a little while and are getting itchy feet!

And notably why thousands Kiwis are still trying to get home… Speaking of which, today as I write this (15th Feb) a judicial review has started in court: Citizens who have been shut out vs. the NZ Government. Interesting times, people!

But on a more positive, personal note – my creative juices are starting to come back!

So aside from a severe lack of TLC on my dear blog here, what have I been up to??

Thanks for asking 😉

Here’s a wee catch up….

Hashtag Girlboss

The past 2 years of non-travel has meant I could focus on my career more. I’ve been through a couple of jobs (always in the digital marketing space), but now I’m comfortable in a role at a large corporate here in Auckland.

I’ve also grown my freelancing “side hustle” (social media management for small businesses), with a good number of solid regular clients. In fact, 2021 was my biggest year yet financially. Hooray!

In that time, I’ve also spoken about social media at some business seminars, both over Zoom and in-person in towns around the country such as Tauranga, Christchurch and Cromwell. So that was nice to see a bit more of New Zealand, too (while getting paid for it – boo yah) 😉

No more avocado on toast

Another cool bit of news is…. last year I bought a house!

Well technically I bought it “off the plans” – so it’s currently being built. It’s a cute 2 bedroom townhouse and the framing went up the other day, so that is very very exciting.

While I wait for my new abode to be built, I moved on from the shared flatting life and rented my own apartment in the city fringe. Feeling like a real city slicker now 😎 (Drinks at mine anyone?)

Waiting waiting waiting…..

What a drama queen

In 2021 I also got back on stage acting in a play for the first time in over 3 years!

Travel had taken up a lot of time in recent years, so it had been difficult to commit to being in a show (they’re usually a 3-4 month commitment with rehearsals etc.)

But I guess this is one of things I can thank Covid for…. performing is one of my big passions, so it has been so nice to rekindle that!

So… what’s next??

Who knows, to be honest. Covid-related restrictions are still very up-in-the-air and ever-changing in New Zealand. MIQ is supposedly switching to home isolation soon, with a staggered “re-opening” of the country. Things are very different here than it was 2 years ago. So it’s hard to plan any travels at the moment!

What I do know for sure though is that I absolutely will be traveling again in the near future.

My bets are on later this year, actually.

Optimistic? Yes. Realistic? We will soon see 😉

In the meantime, I will do my best to get back into some regular writing on here. I have missed this too!

Let me know where YOU have travelled to recently. Let me live vicariously through you in the meantime! 😂

See ya soon! x