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Can’t Travel? 10 Things to Do During Self-Isolation

Like myself, you may be one of millions of people right now who are completely grounded due to COVID-19.  

My next overseas trip (5 weeks travelling around the USA) was due to start in April 2020 – which has of course, has been cancelled. 😢

(In fact, I cancelled it myself a month ago when I thought things were starting to look quite dodgy), but either way, I’ve missed out on a trip of a lifetime.

…For now 😊

While I’m very grateful that I got in a trip at the start of the year to Thailand, I know so many of us are itching to travel and see the world again!

It’s heart-breaking to see photos from around the world of completely deserted destinations – let alone the impact that COVD-19 is placing on people and health systems around the world – so I can see why not travelling right now is in everyone’s best interests. Yet I know for sure that we’ll be travelling again sometime in the near future!

So, aside from working from home and enjoying Netflix binges 😉, what are some things we can do in the meantime to help us keep positive & help prepare for the epic adventures up ahead?

Here’s my list of things to do while in self-isolation over the coming weeks:

  • Make a Pinterest board of destinations that you would love to visit!
  • Alternatively, make a vision board (use an old corkboard or whiteboard, or use your fridge) and stick images on there, the old-fashioned way.
  • Draw up plans for your next big overseas adventure. Research tours, suss out funky hotels…
  • Take this downtime to learn new things – whether its through an online course, YouTube, or podcasts. It could be something related to your career, or just a hobby that piques your interest!
  • Work on your side-hustle. While I have a full-time job – of which I’m luckily able to work from home at this time – I still have freelancing clients on the side that I can focus on, too.
  • Read books. Fiction, non-fiction, whatever tickles your fancy. Here are a few of my faves.
  • Clean and organise your house (I should probs do a good spring clean!)
  • Start a blog or a vlog.
  • Work on any DIY projects or passion projects that you’ve been putting off or just never had the time to do before!
  • Last but not least, have some chill time. As much as I like being busy, we don’t have to be productive 24/7 during our isolation. Take some time for yourself in whatever way makes you feel most relaxed 😊Yoga, mediation, a bath, a face mask… you do you, boo.

Where are you most looking forward to travelling to once COVID is under control? What are you most looking forward to doing outside of your house?? Let me know in the comments! x