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Quarter-Life Crisis: Tips from a Newly 25-Year-Old Travel Blogger

August 2019: That time I turned 25 years old.

I am officially closer to 30 than I am to 20! Say whaaaat.

Despite the shock horror 😉, I thought it was an appropriate time to reflect on some fun key lessons from my 25 years on planet Earth. It’s been a pretty wile ride so far – espesh with all the travel in recent times!

Once upon a time the biggest adventure was going to kindergarten!

While I may not be the most experienced of humans in terms of years of existence – and I still have many MANY more travel stories to document – here is my two cents on life so far + some humble advice for those millennials currently approaching (or already navigating) the big wide world of 25+ adulthood…


It wouldn’t be a travel blog without a reference to travel, right? 😉 Look, you don’t need to have set foot on every country on Earth, but I truly believe that at least a little bit of travel outside of your borders and comfort zone is important. Both for your own self, but also for the world and becoming better, more empathetic human beings.

I also credit my travel adventures to a LOT of my personal growth.

Read all about my Egypt trip here.

Keep going

Cliché as it sounds, no matter your dreams or goals, persistence and determination will get you a long way. If it was easy (and quick) … “everybody would do it!”.

One of my toughest slogs yet has been freelancing, but I am so glad I gave it a crack, learnt a lot of lessons about business and am grateful to be working with some cool clients now.

shia says just do it
Shia motivates me

In fact, I remember once upon a time when this travel blog had ZERO visitors (aside from maybe my parents 😉). But through persistence and consistent content, let’s just say there is now a few more than zero! (thanks for reading!! <3)

Do what you love

What are your passions? What do you like to do on the weekend? What makes you excited? Maybe it’s painting, or dancing, or writing about your travel adventures, or working on your car, or knitting booties for newborns, or doing competitive chess. Whatever floats your boat.

Unfortunately, not everyone is going to be head over heels with their job. So, find the little things that you are head over heels for. And go do that!

Give yourself some credit

…And look how far you’ve come!!

In my short 25 years, I have graduated uni with Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Communications degrees. Travelled to various countries (including solo trips). Navigated the corporate world. Gone out on my own freelancing. Partaken in various extracurricular pursuits such as dancing, martial arts, horse riding, drama classes. Been in (and even starred in) multiple theatre and musical productions. I’ve even been in a high-profile TV commercial (my 5 minutes of fame, haha). And not to mention… grown heaps as a human being through various experiences, relationships, friendships and personal challenges. Phew!

Stop thinking it’s just bragging. Make a list of all the things you’ve done and achieved so far and GIVE YO’SELVES A PAT ON THE BACK. You deserve it!

Class of 2016!

Don’t put baby in the corner

You’re not defined by your job title, or your Tinder bio, or your Instagram bio. Or how many likes you get on your social media posts. I (personally) believe that you’re defined by your actions, how good you make people feel, what you contribute to the world/society (even if it’s a small, local impact) and your legacy.

…Ooh another #deep thought 😉 (you should be used to this by now folks)

Spend time with your family

Cause you never know how long they’ll be around for. Also, get to know more about your family history!

Support your friends

Keep your good friends close. We may all be doing completely different things and at different times (jobs, families, babies, travel, home buying, OE’s, quarter life crises etc.) but cheer them on and support them all the way!

Don’t settle for less than what you deserve

Don’t settle for a job you hate, and where you get bullied or harassed. Don’t settle for romantic partners who ghost, give half-assed efforts, don’t respect you, stump your personal growth, and/or who are just REALLY not a good, healthy match for you.

It’s okay to mess up

We’re human, ‘nuff said  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Apologise when you hurt someone and forgive so you can move on.

Oh, and try not to be a dick.

Meet new people

Continue to expand your circles because you never know who you’re going to meet. Last year I joined a lady’s social club for 20 and 30-somethings looking to meet new like-minded folk and enjoy vinos with, and I met some amazing women there who I am still in touch with (and enjoy vinos with) today!

I met my friend Kat on a UK Contiki in 2018. Then we decided to do Egypt together in 2019!

Personal development ya’ll

Not to get all “woo-woo” on you but growing as a person is actually pretty important (duh).

Stretching outside your comfort zone is also key to your growth (I know that for a fact that solo travel has certainly stretched me out of MY comfort zone a few times!!). But being scared doing something new can be healthy (and could signal that maybe you should try it out?!)

Are you into reading? Here are a few personal development book recommendations. I am also currently enjoying ‘You Are a Badass’ by Jen Sincero, ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by’ Mark Manson and ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle.

Learn to say no

I like to think of myself as a “yes” person, but I’ve found that it’s also important when to say no, too. If something doesn’t feel right or sit right with you, it’s ok to say no to it. And sometimes (depending on the circumstance) it’s totally ok not to have to explain your answer either.

You do you, boo

(Admittedly, I’m constantly working on this one) But who gives a crap what other people think? As long as you’re doing what you love and not hurting other people or the planet (and its other inhabitants), just be your amazing, weird self. The people who are meant to be in your life will love you for it 😉

Last but not least….

Honesty, my biggest tip is just to have fun.

If life/work/hobbies/goals/weekends/people/friends/relationships are not fun, enjoyable or exciting… what’s the point of it all??

Life shouldn’t be so serious all the time. (Note to self: stop overthinking everything).

Get out there and just enjoy the crazy bumpy ride!

Me enjoying the ride (after being batshit scared)

Every one of these tips I am still working on to a degree (I’m not perfect, that’s for sure!) but if any of these points resonate with YOU, I’d love to hear from you! Comment below or flick me a message/email. 🙂

Congrats on making it through one of my longest posts to date …. And here’s to the next 25 years of adventures!

*clinks wine glasses together*