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Where to Next? Top 6 Tours on the To-Do List

Where to Next? Top 6 Tours On The To-Do List

The question that is asked most often when you come back from travelling – and the question that is most often on my mind as of late 😉

“Where to next?!” … glad you asked!

You see, it’s been nearly 3 months since I got back from my Egypt trip. Crazy.

So it’s time to – at least start thinking about and making rough plans – around what Contiki tour I want to book next. And I would love to get your opinion on the matter!

Here are the 6 tours that I would most love to do – let me know what you think (especially if you’ve already done one of them!)

(and for more on why I love doing tours, check out this blog post)

Here are my current top choices….

Grand Southern – USA

Choosing to either make your way from Los Angeles to New York, or vice versa, first up on the list is the Grand Southern. This tour is one I definitely want to do within the next couple of years.

EDIT: As of end of July 2019… I have BOOKED the Grand Southern tour for April 2020. Woohoo!


So the beautiful region of Scandanavia is next; including the cities of Copenhagen, Stockholm and Helsinki. And it may be totally cliché, but seeing the northern lights is definitely on my bucket list. …plus seeing Santa’s workshop, too 😉

Spain, Morocco and Portugal

I still haven’t experienced all that Europe has to offer – and so the Spain, Morocco and Portugal Contiki would be next on my list of European adventures! Sangria and tapas in the Spanish sun? Yes please.

Israel and Jordan Uncovered

I was originally looking at heading to Israel and Jordan straight after Egypt, but the desire to save some $$$ led me to head straight back home afterwards. That being said, Israel and Jordan Uncovered (and therefore finally seeing Petra!) is still on the to-do list!!

Vietnam Experience

I really really need to get to Asia – and one of the first tours I’d love to do is the one around Vietnam. I reckon lining it up with Contiki’s Asian Adventure tour around Thailand, Cambodia and Laos would be an absolute winner!

Cape, Safari and Falls – Africa

Seeing elephants, giraffes, lions and every other character from The Lion King in the wild and natural habitat would be yet another pinch-me moment! Contiki unveiled their Cape, Safari and Falls tour in 2018 and although it may not be their cheapest tour, it would certainly be an experience of a lifetime.

Soo, where do you think I should venture next?? Any recommendations? Or tell me about your future travel plans – let me know if you’re heading off on one of these tours!

Everyone knows I love a good group tour. Thankfully Contiki has a huuuge range of them – check them all out HERE!