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Feeling Anxious? 5 Tips for a Solo Female Traveller

While this advice is not exclusively just for the ladies (guys can get a bit anxious when travelling solo to new places/countries too, of course! 😉 ), some places can – unfortunately – be a weeee bit more riskier and/or less accommodating for the female species.

And in the wake of my recent trip to Egypt, I had a number of people message me on Instagram with a few questions (mainly pertaining to safety!). So here are 5 tips for manoeuvring around the globe with a little more ease and peace of mind, ladies.

Do it with a tour group

My first piece of advice for women travelling by themselves is to join a tour group. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while it’s no secret that I’m a huge advocate for doing a Contiki tour (or Topdeck is another option for people in their 20s and 30s). Not only is it ridiculously fun and a brilliant way to see the main sites of whatever country you’re in, but it’s a safe way to travel as you’re amongst a group pretty much 24/7 (unless you go exploring out on your own!)

Stick to the touristy places

I’m all for going for a cheeky explore and going “off the beaten track”, but if you’re in a higher-risk country, it might be best to stick with the main tourist spots. If you are feeling a bit more courageous and #yolo, see if you can hire a reuptable local guide to take you!

Communication is key

… advice not just reserved for relationships 😉 If you do plan on exploring out off the beaten track, tell people (whether it’s friends or family back home, or otherwise) where you are going! At the very least, give a copy of your itinerary and hotel contact details to a close family member/friend so that they have a general idea of where you are at any given time.

Research the culture beforehand

Before I went to Egypt, I did a lot of research on appropriate clothing and general etiquette for women in the country. Did you know that it’s best to avoid direct eye contact with men (sunglasses help), and sit yourself in the back set of a taxi??

Although you may not agree on expected standards of dress code (hey, I’m all for wearing whatever I want, whenever I want, and not getting harassed for it!) , sometimes it is in your best interests to go with what is considered appropriate, if you are wanting to avoid any unwanted attention or cultural faux pas.

Feel the fear and do it anyway

But ya know what? Don’t let anyone’s experiences or stories stop you from travelling to the places you really want to go! Most places have an element of risk anyway. So just go for it. As long as you do your research, and are prepared for whatever new country you are exploring, go with an open mind – and common sense will of course get you a long way!

Happy travels, ladies x