1 Year of Free Range Kiwi Chick (And See Ya 2018!)

Here we are, the end of another year, and 12 months since this blog was started!

Wowzers. A LOT has happened in that time.

It’s been another big year full of ups and downs in both my personal and professional life.

But hey, that’s just life right? 😉

On a more positive note, it’s been a great year of personal growth, clarity, and I feel more empowered in the direction I see myself going. If that’s not #winning, I don’t know what is!

This year’s biggest travel highlight was of course my Great Britain and Ireland adventure! It was incredible to head back to ‘the motherland’ and immerse myself in cultures that are the main heritage of my family.

It was also really awesome to see my family head off on adventures of their own, too! My parentals went to Europe (and London) for the first time, and my brother went to Japan. So many cool stories to share!

“Traveling — it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

So… where to next?

Well, ever since my first trip to Europe, it’s been a goal of mine to do at least one overseas trip per year.

So very appropriately, as I write this, I’m just about to put down payment for my flights to Egypt! (I’ll be doing the Egypt and The Nile Contiki – with a pal this time, who I met on my UK trip).

I’ll be heading off in February (so soon, eek!) and be enjoying a stopover in Dubai before I experience the wonders of one of the oldest civilizations the world… and see the epic pyramids. This has been a bucket list destination for a long time (I think ever since I stayed at the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas when I was 11 years old – it’s a hotel in the shape of a pyramid!), and now it’s nearly here.

This will just be a two-week trip – nothing to scoff at, I know – but should be a goodie. I’ll be sure to be updating my Instagram during the adventure so flick me a follow if you haven’t already.

Lastly, I just wanted to say thank you to anyone who has ever read a blog post here at Free Range Kiwi Chick. It’s super lovely and humbling to hear great feedback and to know that there are some people out there who do enjoy what I write! You’re the real MVP. 😉

So to sign off, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Here’s to another year of adventure, fun times, bucket-list-ticking and goal smashing. And if you’ve got any overseas trips planned, let me know in the comments!

See you soon, 2019!