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Top 7 “Can’t Travel Without” Apps

There’s no doubt that smartphones have made our lives while traveling so much easier. And the constant arrival of new and useful apps for said smartphones, means there are so many ways to both enhance our travel experiences – and simplify them down!

So here are 7 of my top apps that I just can’t travel without

p.s. – This is aside from social media and communication apps. ‘Cause we already know we’re gonna need Facebook Messenger to face-time our folks and Instagram to show off all our epic snaps! 😉

Google Maps

It may seem a bit obvious, but even though getting lost in a foreign city can be fun, having Google Maps to show your way back to your accommodation is actually kinda handy… funny that.

City Mapper

So this is like next level Google Maps, with way more detail. City Mapper will give you all the best routes you could take to your destination (including any and all modes of transport like bus, walking, bike, train/tube, car etc. etc.). This was so helpful when I was in London, as it gave me the exact tube stations I needed to use, what stops to get off at, how long it would take to get there…. which was an absolute lifesaver (the London tube can be a bit confusing for newbies!)

Banking app

It surprises me how many people I know who don’t yet use their bank’s online banking app! If you’re using personal cards while overseas, keep track of all your dough, and top things up when you realise you bought one too many glasses of pinot gris in Prague…

Cash Passport

Speaking of moneys, when traveling, I highly recommend you get a card that can load up multiple currencies (I use a Cash Passport card). It should also have a corresponding app that allows you to keep track of all your different currencies – and also transfer money between them. Very helpful when you didn’t quite get the balance of Euros and Pounds right when you left home 😉


Again, potentially a bit obvious, but I tell you what, I think my parentals were very grateful for their newly-downloaded Uber app when they went to Europe a couple of months ago! Download any sort of ride-sharing app (Uber is the most well-known one of course) – ‘cause even if you’re a backpacker and prefer taking a good ol’ bus or train (or hitchhiking…), you’ll probs need to hail an Uber at some point during your trip.

Google Translate

Sometimes one of the fun things about traveling, meeting new people and experiencing new cultures is the lost-in-translation moments! But everyone once in a while you need a bit of reassurance that you’re actually heading in the right direction, or ordering the right dish. Google Translate also has a new feature where you hover your phone over some text (like a menu) and it will translate it for you! It may not be 100% all the time, but it’s certainly better than nothing.

Air New Zealand app (or other airline app)

Whatever airline you fly, I’m assuming that most of them (or at least the large, main ones) have their own app. So you can keep track of all your flight details, itinerary, seat selections, upgrades, airpoints, and check-in right on the app (which also helps saves trees 😉). Very handy for getting you at the airport on time and what not (which always helps, too).

So these are some of my fave and useful apps – have you got any you couldn’t travel without??


p.s. Read my post on my top 20 handy tips & must-have items while traveling!