Here is Your Permission Slip

Here is your permission slip to travel.

To book the trip you’ve been eyeing up for a long time. To see those places that you’ve always wanted to see. The trip you’ve been squirreling away part of your pay cheque for each month, for the past who-knows-how-long.

Here is your permission slip to stop listening to the “shoulds” that comes from the outside.

The voices that say “I should be doing this”. Start listening to the “wants” and pulls that come from the inside.

Here is your permission slip to NOT ask for permission from anyone else.

From friends, family, partners, or employers (although if you’re in a relationship, it may pay to discuss your plans!) And you probs need annual leave approval from your employer – but you’re entitled to annual leave, so never let an employer make you feel bad, guilty, or like a slacker for taking what you are owed.

Here is your permission slip to not have it all figured it out.

You’re only in your 20s, you don’t need to have a “life plan” all in place. You’re allowed to change around jobs, uni courses, you’re allowed to ditch your corporate job to do an OE, and you’re allowed to try different things to see what “sticks” and lights you up.

Here is your permission slip to stop comparing.

To stop measuring your own level of success against other people’s levels of success. Because “success” can be totally different for each person! And most people really don’t have it “all figured out” anyway… even if it looks like they do from the outside. In fact most of us seem to be winging it most of the time, so you’re not alone 😉

Here is your permission slip to not listen to what society tells you is the “norm”.

Things like going to university, then marriage, then kids, then retirement, then travel… in that order. Unless that is indeed what you actually want to do – then go for it, of course! You do you. Don’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks.

Here is your permission slip to be messy.

Because not everything you try or do is going to go according to plan. Remember that saying: you either win or you learn. Shit will hit the fan, so sometimes we’ve just got to go with the flow. When the shit hits the fan in my life, I find that a glass of wine, a slab of Whittakers, a walk in mother nature, and good ol’ blasting of the Spice Girls Greatest Hits is a good way to help deal with it. 😉

Here is your permission slip to do the things that scare you!

Start the blog, change the job, send the message, go to that event, start the business, book that ticket, sign up to go skydiving, eat that haggis… (Haggis is actually not too bad, tbh)

Most of all (and I’m personally working on this one the most)…

Here is your permission slip to LET GO.

I can be a wee bit of a control freak at times (stemming from my tendency to be very organised). And I’m impatient. I like to be able to see what’s going to happen in 6 months, 1 year, or even 5 years down the track. But helped immensely by my travels, I’ve realised the importance of just being present and enjoying moments and periods of our life for as they are, right now. Breathing it aaaaall in.  😊

We’ve just gotta let go, ya’ll.

So, who’s with me? X


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