8 Great Reads For A Free Range Life

Books are NOT dead, people! In fact, they’re very much alive and well in the lives of happy, healthy and successful people. (I should add that Podcasts can work the same way, too if you’re more of an audio person!).

So I’ve decided to let you in on some of my favourite books to do with online business or entrepreneurship, the “digital nomad” lifestyle (like travel blogging), and/or self-development. Although a mix of topics, they’re still kinda related in some way. What’s a successful boss lady without some ‘mindset-resets’??

But why these kinds of books?

’cause I believe that in order to be a thriving human being – with a thriving business, side-hustle, blog, or career – you need to undergo a bit of education, self-development and growth first.

(Well, it’s an on-going process, but you gotta start somewhere, right?)

And books are a great way to help facilitate this!

Stay with me – Self-development is not all a bunch of “woo-woo” BS (Don’t worry, I used to think that it was, too).

These books have been game changers for me both in business, travel blogging, and life! I can’t attribute them to EVERYTHING great in my life, but I truly believe that without them I wouldn’t be the same person that I am today.

I wrote a post do to with my recent personal journey if you wanna check that out, too.

Sooo here are some of my faves:


Earth is Hiring by Peta Kelly


So Peta Kelly is one of my idols. I have been following her business and personal journey for over 5 years now. She is an inspiration to me in every way. Last year she released her first book “Earth is Hiring”. I’m probably starting with the most “woke” book out of all of them, but it’s an absolute MUST READ “for millennials and anyone who gives a sh*t” (hey, it says that right on the cover!) 😉

The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

This book by Tim Ferris is famous all around the world. It’s a great read for those inspired by the “digital nomad” lifestyle and online business, and the idea of working smarter, not harder. A 4-Hour work week sounds pretty good too, doesn’t it??

You Are the One by Kute Blackson

Urgh, this book is so good. Kute Blackson is amazing. This book will probably make you cry. The best way to describe it is by quoting what it says on the back cover: “a bold adventure in finding purpose, discovering the real you, and loving fully”. Get it now!

Crushing It by Gary Vee

You may have heard of Gary Vee, he’s HUGE in the entrepreneurship and self-development world right now. This book is brilliant is you’re thinking of starting something (maybe a blog, vlog, business, or venture) but need some inspiration on how to go about it!

Dotcom Secrets & Expert Secrets by Russel Brunson

Two fantastic books by Russel Brunson (founder of Clickfunnels, for all my digital marketing peeps out there) all to do with online business, influencing people, and essentially taking over the (online) world. Handy!

Material Girl, Mystical World by Ruby Warrington

This one is definitely more for the ladies… and the ladies who are a bit more into the “woo-woo” or mystical side of things (things related to divination and other-worldly-ness) 😉 A great personal development book that brings these topics into the 21st Century – but I only recommend if you’re open to reading about those sorts of things (and don’t think that astrology and tarot is a stupid load of BS).

Love Louder by Preston Smiles

Preston is awesome (and has great social media game 😉 ). I was lucky to hear him speak at a business event a few years ago and he’s so charismatic! This book is about “33 ways to amplify your life”. It’s a fairly short read but very useful and actionable!

50 Ways to Yay by Alexi Panos

Alexi (who is married to Preston, actually) is another great businesswoman and I love this book which is about “transformative tools for a whole lot of happy”. Again, it’s short, but actionable! A good place to start if you’re not ready to get into the reeaaally deep stuff like in Earth is Hiring or You Are The One.

And there you have it, some of my fave books for living a kick-ass, free range life!

Do you have any books you would recommend, too?




Please note that if you end up buying a book via one of these links, I may get paid a small referral commission 🙂 I will only ever recommend products/services that I’ve used before and LOVE!