Travel Lover Meets Theatre Geek

Little do some people know that one of my favourite things to do while travelling is to…. go watch some good ol’ theatre! I am, unashamedly, a huge theatre and musical geek #noregrets

Consequently, I have (again, unashamedly) travelled overseas literally just to go see some musicals. That’s dedication right there 😉

This love did of course stem from the fact that I’ve been acting on stage since I was a kid. I’ve been everything from Sleeping Beauty to a homeless little orphan in Oliver. Good times!

So what sorts of shows have led me to pack my bags, book some plane tickets and venture overseas to see them??

Love Never Dies in Sydney, Australia (2012)

Me, my mum and my grandma flew over to see Love Never Dies which had just opened in Aussie (this is the sequel to The Phantom of the Opera).

Phantom is my all-time FAVE musical, so this made total sense to travel for!


The Lion King in Sydney Australia (2014)

I went with one of my close mates to see The Lion King musical (my first time traveling without parents I might add) 😉

A hilarious adventure in which we tried to scale all the Sydney attractions in like 3 days! All while dealing with severe cases of lack of sleep probably from too much hilarity. Madame Tussaud’s was one of my fave places:

I left out the photos where I’m trying to kiss Leo DiCaprio’s and Brad Pitt’s wax figure 😉

Um, Lauren, can we travel together again please?!


Aladdin in (you guessed it) Sydney, Australia (2016)

I flew to Sydney to go to a 2-day business event/conference, so of course I took the opportunity to go see Aladdin the musical. Hands down one of the BEST musicals I’ve seen, actually (and I’ve seen quite a few now…). To all you kiwis reading this: go see it when it comes to Auckland in 2019!! I will definitely be seeing it again, it’s THAT good.

p.s. I also splashed out while I was there I stayed at Ovolo hotel. Best. Hotel. Evah. Free loot bags, free mini-bar, fridge that was re-stocked daily (free, of course!)

The Book of Mormon in Melbourne, Australia (2017)

In February 2017 my employer at the time sent me on a business trip to Melbourne (I know, cool right – thanks boss!). So I made the most of the free trip (when I wasn’t “working”) and indulged in some shopping and saw The Book of Mormon musical.

I also booked a last-minute ticket to Cirque du Soleil as well! Sorry what? I was meant to be working?? 😉

School of Rock in London, United Kingdom (2017)

I had ONE night to see a West End musical when I was in London last year. I was trying to pick between my fave (Phantom <3), Les Mis (which I hadn’t seen live before), and School of Rock (of which I LOVE the movie). School of Rock won out. So happy it did!

Yes, we were allowed to take photos during the show 😉

Next on the cards…

Next up I’m planning a trip to New York in mid-late 2019 (of course – the home of Broadway!). I have been dying to see Anastasia the Musical, and in summer 2019, Moulin Rouge the musical is starting its run on Broadway. I’m so excited! They haven’t given specific dates for when it’s opening yet, but I’m aiming for a trip between July and September. I mean, I could probably spend a whole month in New York JUST watching musicals and plays, to be honest! But time will soon tell if I do a larger, longer trip (possibly a North America Contiki) to coincide with it… watch this space 😉

Anyhoo, have you seen any plays or musicals or other sorts of shows when travelling overseas? Which ones did you love??