Digital Nomad: How Do I Fund My Travels?

In case I haven’t said this already (😉) Travel is fan-feaking-tastic. But it also costs money… #realitycheck. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

But I believe that travel is one of the best possible things you can ever spend money on. Forget about designer clothes, the latest iPhone, or 6 bedroom mansions – you definitely don’t regret travel when you’re soaking up the last of the rays in front of the Colosseum, enjoying a wine and chowing down on authentic Italian pizza!!



Travel is an experience that you simply can’t put a price tag on!

But the reality is, first you need to get some $$$ in order to book them plane tickets.

I like to keep things real here over at Free Range Kiwi Chick. So while you may follow a few other travel bloggers on Instagram who seem to live the lap of luxury in Bali, I wanted to let my lovely readers know how I fund my travel adventures!

So what the heck do I do??

Some of you may already know that I studied Marketing and Communications at University, and once I graduated I started working in – you guessed it – marketing! I worked in full-time roles until earlier this year, when I down-sized to a part-time role, started contracting myself out to a digital agency, as well as starting to freelance under my own social media management business (check it out – Queen of Swords Media).


Even though I’m currently saving for a house deposit for my first home in Auckland (realistically it would probably have to be an apartment…) It’s always been a dream of mine to be able to travel and work at the same time. The “Digital Nomad” cliché, if you will. To be able to book a 6-week overseas trip and not have to worry, ‘cause I can just keep on working with my social media clients wherever there is Wi-Fi!

Ambitious, yes. Impossible? Nah. Just a lot of hard work and hustlin’, peeps.

Of course, that’s not the only reason why I chose to start freelancing this year. It pays to mention that I love what I do, helping businesses (big or small) with their social media marketing and essentially taking the stress off them. Cause we all know how important social media is for businesses and brands these days, right?? I won’t get into that here, but check out my website’s blog if you need to convince your boss!!

So that’s the crux of where I’m at right now. Working part-time, building up my freelance social media business, saving for a house/apartment deposit….and saving for / planning my next trip of course!! (2019, I’m looking at you!)

As you can see, it’s not all easy-peasy lemon squeezy when it comes to travelling (and travel blogging). Not everything is handed to me on a silver platter (although I *will* admit it helps to be able to live in the parental’s granny flat while you save!!). You’ve still got to put in the work and do some hustling (and/or side-hustling!). And SAVING. I know most people roll their eyes at the word, but when you’re eating authentic Italian pizza in Rome you’ll be happy you did 😉

So there you have it. And if you’re interested in finding out more about my services as a freelance Social Media Manager, check out my website here.

Alternatively, you can like/follow my biz for some snazzy social media tips and what not:

