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6 Crappy Things About Travel (That No One Likes To Mention)

Let me get this straight – I’m super grateful to do any sort of travelling. Travel is the bomb!

But with anything great in life, you’re always going to get some not-so-pleasant pleasantries that go with it.

This blog post is a little bit different – and I’m not here to complain – but to let you in on some of the ‘realities’ of travelling. Just so you’re a little more prepared when you embark on your first (or next) adventure 😉

Are you ready? *cue horror movie music*

Queues / Lines

Peak tourist season anyone? Unless you booked tickets in advance, or you’re in a tour group like a Contiki or Topdeck that skips that queue, be prepared for some loooong waiting times at popular attractions and sights. Book the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam a few months in advance, peeps.

Currency $$$

It’s such a pain carrying around different types of currencies and wondering what coin/note is meant to be for what country. Or what it even is (1c? 2c? $2?). When I was in the UK earlier this year, the old paper notes were making their way out of circulation and being replaced by plastic ones – but for some reason, some places like Northern Ireland were still accepting them? How confusing! And don’t even get me started on currency conversion rates!

Asshole tourists

I like to think I’m pretty self-aware and considerate of others, but sometimes some people can be really self-absorbed assholes. Like in Switzerland – a group of tourists literally PUSHED a few of my Contiki mates out of the way so they could get a selfie stick photo on top of the mountain. (If it had been me who had been pushed, the selfie stick would’ve ended up somewhere else… ha!). Come on guys, they were ON A MOUNTAIN. (Yes there was a safety barrier, but still).

It’s a long way to fall, folks

Safety / theft

It goes without saying that you should always be wary of safety wherever you go, but some places have more of a reputation for theft than others. In some cities I was clutching my valuables bag (with Passport, money, cards and phone in it) like my life depended on it (which it kinda did, really). One of the girls in my tour group had her phone stolen in Prague. Although stressful, it pays to be extra vigilant!


With new destinations, comes new people, which comes new exposures to bugs! Yay! I know I’ve mentioned the Contiki Cough before, but whether you’re on a tour or not, you should always bring some first aid and medications with you when you travel.


Unless you travel business class (life goals!), plane travel (espesh long-haul) can really suck. Babies crying. The person in front of you with their seat reclined back for the whole trip. The person beside you taking up way too much of your personal space and squishing you (and hogging the arm rest). Scrambled eggs that don’t actually quite resemble scrambled eggs (more like sawdust). Fun times!

I know, you could call some of these “first world problems” and even common sense. Some situations could even be seen to be funny (in hindsight!). But as much as I love to just chill out and enjoy the experiences that come with travel, sometimes you need to be a little more prepared (at least mentally) for the more crappy situations that you can come across.

Travel is awesome…. about 99% of the time!!

Hey, the more you know, right? 😉

p.s. and don’t be an asshole tourist, peeps 😉