5 Reasons To Solo Travel

I LOVE travelling by myself. The freedom, the discomfort (at times) and new people you meet are some of the many reasons why solo travel is so freaking rad.

Don’t get me wrong – I have also enjoyed travelling with friends and family too (and I’m sure I will in future). But what I find is the biggest learning curve, and what provides some of the best experiences, are the adventures where I’ve jetted off overseas and conquered the world – by myself.

And travelling solo shouldn’t just be for the singletons; I reckon everyone should have some sort of solo travelling experience whether you’re in a relationship or not!

It’s called character building 😉 (and ya know, “distance makes the heart grow fonder” blah blah blah).

So here’s my 5 top reasons as to why YOU should solo travel at least once in your life:


You don’t need to compromise with anyone on what you’re going to do that day, or where you’re going to go. No one is holding you back. You have FREEDOM to do whatever the heck you want to do at any given time. I like that.

Make new friends

When you solo travel, you’re forced to meet new people make new friends. (This is why I love doing a tour like a Contiki so much – you’re thrown together with a bunch of other solo travellers, so you can all be loners together 😉 … and then be like family by the end of the trip!) On the contrary, when you’re with your significant other or an existing friend, you’re more likely to keep to yourselves and not branch out as much to talk to new people. I’m sure there are heaps of amazing tour providers, but I particualy love a good Contiki.

You also get quite good at taking selfies and/or using a selfie-stick when you travel by yourself 😉

Independence FTW

You have to do everything yourself. And rely on your own company for much of the time.  Take yourself out for a dinner date, and if things go haywire, you really get to…

Learn to problem solve

You have to think on your feet and think outside the box when you’re travelling by yourself. Whether it’s something as simple as making a make-shift pillow for the night, or figuring out what tube to take in London, there’s never a dull moment when travelling!

Grow as a person

Solo travel gets you outside the comfort zone! Together with meeting new people, experiencing new cultures, seeing amazing sights, and doing it ALL ON YOUR OWN (highfive), you feel pretty bloody great when you come back home. You’re not the same person as you were (in the best way possible). Well done, you!

Have you got a solo trip planned for any time soon? Let me know!