The Millennial Curse

We’ve all heard the stereotypes that surround being a millennial / Generation Y. “Lazy”, “Self-absorbed”, “Entitled”, “Buys too many avocados”.

And yes, while having the wonders of Instagram means that we can post selfies for the world to admire at any time of day (I can see where some older people get the idea that we’re “self absorbed”… but then if you had Instagram in your heyday, you’d be doing the same thing, right?) – surely we’re just making the most of the technology that is available to us?

But I think there are some definite ways in which millennials differ from older generations (and let’s not even get started on Gen Z!). Growing up with a huge surge in technology changes through 1990s- 2000s and beyond (goodbye Game Boy and Walkman, hello iPhone) means that, as we’ve grown up into young adults, we’ve adapted to the digital world around us.

And with the onset of the “digital world”, and using it to our advantage, we’ve almost been cursed with the desire to break away from the status quo. In what ways you may ask? Mainly these 3 below:

1. Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Digital and social media has opened so many possibilities to create a presence online (for anyone of any age, for that matter). But we’re the ones who have grabbed this opportunity with both hands – and many are even monetizing it. Blogging, vlogging, Instagram-ing – you name it, we’re doing it.

What’s more? With the ability nowadays to create your own online business using these digital avenues, we’re more inclined to want to live a “laptop lifestyle”.

Which brings me to…


Online business travelling the world at the same time, or a desk job you hate until you retire at 65? (if you can retire at 65). I mean you don’t even have to travel, you can stay living in your hometown, but utilize the internet to create your own home-based business, spending more time with your family.

So many of us millennials don’t like the idea of sitting in a cubicle for 8 hours + per day, 5 days per week… let alone the thought of doing so for the next 40+ years of our lives. Don’t call us “snowflakes”. Call us badass to want to challenge the status quo 😉

Companies would do better to accommodate to our lifestyle and “ways of working”. They’d retain more of us long-term, too! It’s not the 1950s anymore, folks. We expect better work/life balance in any job we do.

3. Priorities

It’s not uncommon for anyone to travel before “settling down” to children and marriage. But I’d say it’s probably more common in us millennials. There’s nothing wrong with whatever path you choose to take, and it’s also not impossible to have it all (or none at all; you don’t have to have children, get married, or even travel outside your own country). But us millennials are cursed with the itchy feet to see the world… and pay off our student debt later!

Travel is no longer restricted to the wealthy baby boomers. There’s so many options for younger travellers these days, including tours like Contiki and Topdeck, Airbnb, or finding other people online who have the same overseas adventures lined up and who are looking for travel companions. So why wait?


So while I say these are the “curses” of being a millennial, they’re also really really good perks. We’re opportunists that don’t want to settle, and make the most of the tech that’s available to us.


DISCLAIMER: Yes, I know, while a group of people within a certain age bracket can be lumped into one “generation”, we’re not all the same. This is a generalization – it’s okay to be different 😉.