Documenting Your Travels: IGTV and Beyond

Most of us have seen the ‘spam’ of friends and family posting albums of photos on Facebook during their overseas holidays. Sure, I may be a little guilty of that, so I’m not judging! 😉

But some of us would like a better way of documenting our travels, one that doesn’t involve spamming your aunties and high school classmates of 5 years ago that you never talk to anymore. A way that gives your audience the choice of whether they want to follow your adventures or not.

The thing is, there are many options to choose from when documenting your travels!

I started Free Range Kiwi Chick as I wanted a way to do this –  and hopefully educate and inspire some people along the way with my content. I specifically chose to start a blog because:

  1. I loved writing
  2. I loved travel
  3. I loved being able to share my stories with others through text, imagery and a bit of video

And a blog allowed me to do these things. I could go even more detailed into why I chose WordPress to start my blog on, but that’s a topic for another post I think!

Other ways you could use content and online platforms to document your travels:

  • Any social media channel – particularly Instagram, and/or a Facebook page
  • YouTube – if you enjoy shooting and editing videos, start vlogging and create a travel channel!
  • Blog – WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, there’s lots of cheap and easy options out there to get a website set up

And last but not least…

You’ve probably heard of the announcement of IGTV (Instagram TV) this week – or even had a go at it yourself! (if you’re not that familiar with it, here’s a handy guide).

I wrote a post on my other website (for my social media marketing services) about how I believe IGTV is going to be a great way for businesses to showcase their content and brand.

But I also believe IGTV is going to be an incredible new way for travelers to document their adventures (or content creators of any kind for that matter).

It allows long-form video (as opposed to the usual 1 minute limit on Instagram/Stories) and everyone can essentially have their own TV channel – so why not utilize this and document your travels in a new and edgy way?

With the surging domination of Instagram and its ground-breaking new platform of IGTV, it’ll be a good idea to ‘get on board the bandwagon’ sooner rather than later… and who knows where YouTube may be in 5 years time!

There is so much opportunity online to showcase your travel content. And you don’t need to be an ‘expert’ writer or film maker to do so (I’m certainly not!). I’m keen to see some your travels – if you create a blog/vlog/IGTV or other online platform, let me know and link to it in the comments!