The ULTIMATE Travel Packing List

Packing would have to be one of the most (if not the most) annoying things about travel (well, aside from picking which place you’re going to go!) 😉

It can be so frustrating. Sometimes we forget things, and sometimes we leave it until the very last minute.

But if you’re anything like me, “organisation” is your middle name, so you like to scribble down a list as you pack to make sure you’ve got everything.

So as much as a future benefit to myself as much as you guys, I’ve compiled what I believe is the ULTIMATE packing list for your overseas travels!


Ahh, no more uncertainty when you’re driving to the airport as to whether you’ve packed your favorite undies or not.

Of course, everyone is individual, so there may be items that don’t apply to you at all. And then there may be items personal to you that haven’t been listed. Don’t forget them! *waves finger like a mum*

And depending on how long your trip is, you can judge how many of said items you may need (5 pairs of shoes anyone?? Sorry not sorry)

But otherwise, feel free to use this list as you please – and be stress-free before your trip starts!


  • Tee shirts
  • Nice shirts / tops
  • Skirts
  • Dresses
  • Jeans / pants
  • Leggings
  • Shorts
  • Undies
  • Bras
  • Stockings / tights
  • Socks
  • Pyjamas
  • Swim suit / togs for the summer trips
  • or winter woollies / thermals for the winter tips
  • Jumper / sweater
  • Jacket
  • Gym gear (for the extra dedicated)


  • Sneakers / comfy day shoes
  • Heels / night time shoes
  • Easy slip-on’s (like “jandals” as we say in New Zealand)

Bathroom items:

  • Make up
  • Tooth brush / paste
  • Mouth wash and floss
  • Deodorant
  • Body lotion
  • Face moisturizer
  • Face wash and/or make up remover wipes
  • Nail scissors, nail file and tweezers
  • Shaving gel and razor
  • Perfume
  • Small shampoo / conditioner (from previous hotels)
  • Hair comb / brush

First Aid items:

Don’t underestimate the need for first-aid / medication items… you’ll probably need them them.

  • Any medications you personally need
  • Pain / headache medication
  • Insect repellent
  • Insect bite cream
  • Sun block
  • Aloe Vera (for that pesky sunburn)
  • Anti-histamine
  • Lip balm
  • Cold/Flu medicine
  • Blocked nose spray
  • Throat lozenges
  • Anti-nausea and/or travel sickness meds
  • Extra tissues
  • Vitamins


  • Selfie stick
  • Small handbag for nights out
  • Travel journal
  • Diary
  • Jewelry
  • Hair ties
  • Sun hat
  • Hair dryer
  • Hair straightener (people judge you… until they ask to borrow it 😉 )

Carry-on items for the plane:

  • Backpack for these items
  • Phone and charger
  • iPod and/or headphones
  • Camera and/or GoPro
  • Moneys / cards
  • Water bottle
  • Laptop and charger
  • Portable power pack / portable charger
  • Eye mask
  • Ear plugs
  • Pillow
  • Ear muffs
  • Pressure socks
  • Lip balm
  • Tooth brush / tooth paste
  • Deodorant
  • Make up
  • Hair comb / brush
  • Sunglasses
  • Jet lag preventatives
  • Antibacterial wet wipes
  • Antibacterial hand sanitizer
  • Change of clothes (if you have a stopover)
  • Book or magazine
  • Travel itinerary and insurance documents
  • …and your Passport of course!

And there you have it, a pretty comprehensive packing list – that should hopefully get you started in the right direction at least. For MORE hacks and handy travel items, check out this post here!

Any other important items I missed? Comment them below!