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Things to do in the Coromandel, NZ

Ahhh, New Zealand summer. So warm yet so unpredictable with your rain in January and ex-tropical cyclones in February. But lets not dwell on the negatives, lets dwell on one of my absolute favourite parts of summer: trips to the Coromandel Peninsula!

When someone from overseas asks me what places they should visit in New Zealand, the Coromandel is always top of my mind. This is a region in the North Island on the western end of the Bay of Plenty.

So without further ado, here are some must-sees:

Hahei Beach

One of the most fantastic beaches in the Coromandel (and in New Zealand, in my humble opinion). Great surf, great sand, great vibes.

Hahei circa 2010

Hot Water Beach

As the name suggests, the water here is, well, hot! Bring your bucket and spade and starting digging a hole in the sand to create your very own spa pool on the beach. As you do.


What is slowly becoming a small city, Whitianga is a great hub and spot for tourists. Book all your extra-curricular activities here like charter boats and horse treks and then enjoy a pint at the pub beside the wharf.

Take the ferry

One of my favourite childhood memories is taking the ferry from Cooks Beach to Whitianga and back again. Only a 10 minute or so ride, it’s not the most exciting thing in the world (well, it was when I was 6 years old) but it’s still pretty cool 😉

The Lost Spring

Okay, don’t go to Whitianga without visiting the Lost Spring! Like the name suggests, it’s a beautiful hot pool paradise that makes you feel like you’re in Fiji.


Iconic in the Coromandel region, the Coroglen pub has been hosting national and international music artists for years. My childhood (and adult!) memories of it consist of going for a horse trek with mum nearby, and then meeting up with my brother and dad for a drink at the pub.


Home to the annual Beach Hop, Whangamata is another popular and beautiful beach with great surf for all you more adventurous surfy types.

Cathedral Cove

Probably the most iconic sight in the Coromandel Penisula. To get there,  you can either take a boat (I recommend a banana boat) from Hahei beach, or you have to walk down a track to get there (about 30 mins, depending on how fast/slow you go)

Cooks Beach

Not the most exciting beach in the world, but it still makes the list ’cause I’m sentimental 😉 My family has been coming down here to stay at the ‘bach’ (kiwi word for a holiday beach house) since I was 6 months old.

Shakespeare Point

Take a walk up to this scenic cliff to check out the stunning views. Worth a little detour to get some nice pics for the ‘gram!

There’s lots more to see and do in the Coromandel Peninsula, but these are a few of my faves that I’m sure you’d enjoy too! Where are your favourite places to go in the Coromandel?