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  • Why Travel Blog? 3 Reasons To Do What You Love

Why Travel Blog? 3 Reasons To Do What You Love

I’m a big believer in doing something because you want to. Because it feels good, it feels right, fun and you’re passionate about it.

I’m also a big believer in not having to defend or explain why you do those things. You just do. As long as it’s not hurting or affecting anyone negatively, you should go for it and just wave off the haters / questioners / doubters / non-believers.

8 reasons why travel is the best - austria

Me waving away the haters!

This being said, I do want to share something with you. Since the launch of Free Range Kiwi Chick, I may have had one or two people ask:

Why another travel blog? Isn’t there enough of those to go around?

Again, while I don’t feel like I owe them an explanation, or (generally) give a f*ck what people think, the point of this blog post is to tell you that:


You should do what makes your soul happy.

Whether that’s starting a blog, trying a new hobby, quitting your high paying job to become a minimalist backpacker, or whether it’s just saying ‘no’ to going out on a Saturday night because all you want is some me-time with hot chocolate, a face mask, candles and some soothing music.

You do you.

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Last time I checked, everyone has their own unique voice and stories to tell.

What you have to say matters, no matter what topic it may be. Writing and sharing stories is so important (particularly when it comes to women’s stories).

  • We need your voice
  • We need you to share your experiences
  • We need you to express your opinions
  • We need you to talk about traditionally taboo things like your feelings

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What you do or say won’t vibe with everyone, but it will vibe with who it was meant for.

I’m not here to advise you of the best cheap hostels to stay at or give you a map of where to go in Paris. You can find that through a quick Google search or another travel blog.

What I’m passionate about is talking the bigger picture; what travel does for you as a person, and why it’s important to see the world (particularly as millennials who hold so much power over the future of the planet… because we are the future. Woah, big ideas 😉 )

If just one person finds my blog interesting, informative or inspiring, then that’s awesome – I’ve done my job. And this is just the beginning!

So what are you waiting for? Stop asking for permission and create the things you’re passionate about x