NZ Summer! A Few of My Favourite Things

Typical New Zealand, aye. Let’s celebrate the 1st of December (the official start of NZ summer) with “Crate Day”. A day dedicated to drinking crates of beer over the barbie (barbeque) in the sun. Choice bro.

But there’s more to Kiwi life than a few bevies. Even though summer for me usually involves copious quantities of sunblock and huge sunhats to avoid the harsh sun burn (I’m so pale that I never tan at all… being sun smart is cool anyway, kids 😉 ), summertime in NZ is pretty magic.

I know it’s a strange concept to those in the northern hemisphere to have Christmas and New Years in sunny 25-degree heat. But we love it.

Here’s a few of my favourite things during the hot summer months down-under:

Beached az bro

Probably the first thing Kiwis think of when they think “summer” is the beach! Whether it’s a West Auckland hot spot like Muriwai, Piha or KareKare – or somewhere north like beautiful Tawharanui – NZ beaches are the place to be during summer. Just don’t forget the Mr Whippy ice cream.

NZ summer- Hahei beach


Did someone say BBQ?? Sausies, salads and ‘tatoes are staples of the Kiwi summer menu. And let’s not forget the iconic fish and chips on the beach (or should we say “fush and chups”) 😉

Tramping, Camping or glamping

Finish off a day exploring NZ’s native bush with a yarn over the campsite – or, just stay at the “bach” (Kiwi name for a holiday home, usually on the basic side of things).

NZ summer - tramping


Summer is all about adventure, so going on a roady with your mates or fambam (probably to a beach) is an entry-level requirement to a summer well-spent.

The Coromandel Peninsula

There are so many places to visit in NZ that are brilliant places to chill during the summer holidays (worthy of another blog post altogether). But my favourite destination is definitely the Coromandel. Maybe I’m biased, as I’ve been going down there to Cooks Beach nearly every year since I was 6 months old.

NZ summer - Chelsea family

One of many summers down at Cooks Beach

Must-sees include Hahei beach and Cathedral Cove!

NZ summer - cathedral cove


Take your pick of festivals around the country! One of the most famous being the New Years Eve gig Rhythm & Vines near Gisborne.

Horse treks

I personally love a good horse trek during summer – usually either at Muriwai beach and forest or somewhere in the Coromandel (of course).

NZ summer - horse trek

Wine tastings

How could I forget this crucial element of a great Kiwi summer?? Heading over to Waiheke Island with a group for a wine tour always goes down a treat. Quintessential summer outing in my humble opinion.

What are your fave things to do in NZ over summer?


Stuck in Auckland for the holidays? (hey, it’s not that bad!) check out my post detailing 5 of my fave things to do in Auckland over summer!

Otherwise, hear all about my South Island Contiki over New Years / summer of 2017/18!