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Why choose contiki - group tour rafting in Austria

To Tour or not to Tour? Why Choose a Contiki

Traveling preferences are very individual to each person. To some people, the thought of joining a tour sounds like the WORST idea ever. Locked in to an itinerary? No thanks. To others, a tour sounds like the best way to travel – but you have no idea which one to choose!

And sometimes you don’t know what works for you until you just try it out yourself.

For me, I’m really glad I did a tour for my first trip over to Europe. Here’s a few reasons why I highly recommend doing a Contiki (or choose another tour company to your liking) – especially if it’s your first time in a new country or continent and/or you’re a solo traveler!


Got no one to go travelling with? Struggling to get your mates to save their $$ as well? Never fear, Contiki is here! Leave yo’ pals behind (sorry guys) and make some new ones on a tour. When you choose a tour company like Contiki or Topdeck, you know you’ll be with like-minded adventurers of similar age to you.

Why choose a Contiki tour - group

You’ll never be alone, unless you choose to be.

Tour manager

In a tour you get your very own tour manager – the life and soul of the group! A great tour manager will tell you all about the history of the cities you’re visiting, the best places to visit/eat/see, they’ll give you maps, get the party started, keep the energy pumping, and hail taxis for you when you’re too drunk to do so yourself (thanks Cam).

Tour time + free time

Contrary to popular belief that when you’re on a tour, you have NO time do your own thing, there’s actually a great balance of group tour time and free time (or “me” time as Contiki calls it). No one’s forcing you to check out the leather factory in Florence if you’d rather spend your time getting lost in the various cobblestone alleyways.

Who choose contiki tour - florence alleyways
So many alleyways to explore!

Worry-free transport

Luxurious coach. Comfortable seats. Free Wi-Fi. Television screen for watching “Euro Trip”. Stops every 2-3 hours for food and bathroom breaks.

You just pull up at the hotel and you’re sweet.

…All you need to remember to be ON the bus, on time when you need to be 😉 Don’t get left behind!

Why choose a Contiki tour - bus

Catch the ’must-sees’ & other perks

When you’re on tour you catch the must-sees in every city. You skip to the front of the queues for popular attractions. And you get to experience things that you wouldn’t have known about and/or may not have experienced otherwise if you were travelling by yourself… Cough, like a sex show in Amsterdam, cough. 😂

Not the sex show – but here’s my group in front of the IAMSTERDAM sign

Most of all, you get a taste of what countries and cities you’d like to go back to next time for more in-depth exploring!

Choose different types of tours

Most tour companies will have different types or styles of tours to choose from. They may be camping tours, hostel tours, hotel tours, river cruise tours, train tours… you name it, there’s something for everyone. I chose a hotel/’Discovery’ tour for my Europe Contiki as I like a few creature comforts and we stayed in the hotels for at least 2 nights each (slightly slower paced than a hostel/’high energy’ trip).

For my NZ South Island tour, we stayed in a mix of 4-people-to-a-room lodges and hotels. Of course, you always have t he option to go ‘single supplement’ (a room all to yourself) if you’re a high rollah 😉

Everything is sorted for you

I repeat. Literally everything is sorted for you. Transport, accommodation, information on things to do and see, optional activities, food (not ALL meals, but quite a few. You’ll always get breakfast at the hotel if you’re on a hotel tour).

All you need to do is pack your bags, sort your currencies… and make sure you show up to the bus on time!!

Have I convinced you yet?! Check out Contiki’s range of tours here!