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Next on the Bucket List: Top 5 Destinations

So as most of you would already know, I’ve been a bit of a travel junkie the past 12 or so months. Haven’t found a cure for the travel addiction yet –  and I don’t think I want to 😉


But I’ve been getting asked the question – where to after that??

Unfortunately I don’t have my next trip booked in already. I thought I’d give it a wee rest for the next while, particularly while I get my new business up and running (shameless plug: are you looking for a social media manager for your business? Holla at yo’ gurl!)

Even though I ticked off my #1 bucket list destination last year (Paris) – and I’d LOVE to go back and do Europe again / do more of it – I don’t think I’ll ever fully complete my travel bucket list…. as I want to travel everywhere! (Keep me away from flight sales!)

That being said, there are 5 places in particular that I want to visit next.

I don’t know when I’ll be booking my next trip, or when that trip would be, but I know that these 5 places are definitely top of my radar:

1. New York, USA

I’ve wanted to go to New York ever since I was little. Not only because it looks epic (and I want to be cliché and eat a hotdog in the middle of Times Square), but also because it’s a widely known fact among my friends and family that I‘m a musical theatre geek. I’m dying to see Anastasia the Broadway musical that is playing right now. And it would be nice to experience a white Christmas too!

2. Egypt

Maybe not the most mainstream choice, but I would absolutely love to go to Egypt. See the pyramids, sphinx, venture down the Nile, see the Valley of the Kings… it would be jaw-dropping.

3. Spain

Even though my Europe Contiki was incredible and we visited lots of the ‘main’ cities in Europe, it missed this one country that I would have loved to have seen! Next time I’m back to Europe, Madrid and Barcelona will be the first places I go.

4. Scandinavia region

I’d love to go further north to Norway, Sweden, Finland (plus a detour to Iceland) too.  To see the Northern Lights is 100% on my bucket list!! (I also have no excuse not to go, as one of my friends recently moved to northern Germany, so it wouldn’t be tooooo much further to venture after a visit with her!)

5. Japan

I’ve had a few friends and family go to Japan and/or are soon to be going to Japan – and it’s motivating me to get there too. Looks so beautiful – particularly in cherry blossom season.

So there you have it, my top 5 destinations that I’d love to visit next!

In the meantime, keep up with my upcoming adventures in the UK via Facebook and Instagram!


  • Frankie

    May 20, 2018 at 11:13 am

    Just read a couple of your lot posts and absolutely love them! I did a contiki last year and am doing on two more in August! Ps. Japan is so high up on my bucket list along it’s new zealand! 😍

    • Chelsea

      September 16, 2018 at 12:38 am

      So I don’t know whether WordPress was being a dick, or whether I’m just blind, but I only saw your comment now sorry 😭 But I’m so glad you’re liking my posts! And I hope your August Contikis were AMAZING!! 😍 I can’t wait to do one again!